NEB ambition
The ultimate ambition of the New European Bauhaus is to achieve transformation. To do this, the NEB Compass has identified specific levels of ambition that outline the desired outcomes for each of the NEB values.
The ultimate ambition of the New European Bauhaus is to achieve transformation. To do this, the NEB Compass has identified specific levels of ambition that outline the desired outcomes for each of the NEB values.
These areas refer to the five key domains of intervention that CrAFt's New European Bauhaus Impact Model considers essential for guiding and evaluating complex urban initiatives.
The participation level refers to the degree or extent to which individuals or groups are actively involved or engaged in a particular activity, project, or process. It assesses the depth of their involvement, contributions, and commitment, ranging from minimal or passive participation to active and dedicated participation.
The New European Bauhaus (NEB) aims to promote the values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion in the design and transformation of urban spaces. It emphasises the integration of environmental, social, and economic considerations to create harmonious and innovative living environments.
According to the Smart City Guidance Package, there are seven stages to plan and implement smart city projects. These stages propose a logical and coherent roadmap for city initiatives involving many stakeholders.
This 4-hour thought-provoking event will be divided into two parts:
From interactive installations to immersive experiences, discover how creative and innovative approaches can bridge the gap between city officials, experts, politicians, and the general public. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to delve into the importance of art alongside experts and fellow participants.
The event will be held on 11 April from 9:00 to 13:00 at Prague House Brussels, Avenue Palmerston 16, 1000 Brussels.
Madeleine Kate McGowan is an Irish-Danish artist, who grew up in Benin, Denmark and Italy. Describing herself as a part of a geo-social elite, with the privilege of moving. McGowan is a part of a larger artist community in Copenhagen, becoming aware of how to listen to places, landscapes, other species and each other. McGowan is artistic leader at NXT, creating The Garden Caretaker project as an official Lighthouse Demonstrator, as part of New European Bauhaus. She is co-founder of artist-communities such as Other Story and currently co-creating a large-scale performance installation titled Solastalgia produced by Sort/Hvid Theatre and Metropolis. McGowan is guest-lecturer at Yale and has presented work at places such as ARoS, The Danish National Museum, Danish House in Palestine, British Film Institute, Cinemateket.
Description of the session “Sensing of Place”
We are in a time where it is crucial that we stimulate our relationship to the landscapes of our lives, opening new ways of listening to and engaging with the world and all the living creatures that we are so radically intertwined with. Through out her work with The Garden Caretaker project, as part of the New European Bauhaus, Madeleine Kate McGowan is introducing artistic tools to re-explore our world. In this session McGowan will present her work and share some simple meditations on how to activate a ‘sensing of place’.