NEB ambition

The ultimate ambition of the New European Bauhaus is to achieve transformation. To do this, the NEB Compass has identified specific levels of ambition that outline the desired outcomes for each of the NEB values.

Action areas

These areas refer to the five key domains of intervention that CrAFt's New European Bauhaus Impact Model considers essential for guiding and evaluating complex urban initiatives.

Participation level

The participation level refers to the degree or extent to which individuals or groups are actively involved or engaged in a particular activity, project, or process. It assesses the depth of their involvement, contributions, and commitment, ranging from minimal or passive participation to active and dedicated participation.

NEB values

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) aims to promote the values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion in the design and transformation of urban spaces. It emphasises the integration of environmental, social, and economic considerations to create harmonious and innovative living environments.

Implementation Stage

According to the Smart City Guidance Package, there are seven stages to plan and implement smart city projects. These stages propose a logical and coherent roadmap for city initiatives involving many stakeholders.

CrAFt Cities Sessions

We have designed this series of nine sessions to address the needs of 60 CrAFt cities and to support local collaborative governance inspired by the New European Bauhaus.

1. Introduction

Between January and May 2023, CrAFt is organising a weekly series of nine CrAFt Cities Sessions for peer-to-peer learning aimed at supporting the implementation of New European Bauhaus concepts in local government’s plans, programmes and governance.

We have designed the CrAFt Cities Sessions based on the input provided by 60 CrAFt Cities in several events and surveys conducted throughout 2022. Therefore, these online workshops will address your city’s needs and challenges, using the methodology proposed by the Climate-neutral and Smart City Guidance Package as a reference.

2. Objectives

With these sessions, we aim to make the New European Bauhaus ideas concrete in ways that address CrAFt Cities’ needs by:

  • Empowering your stakeholders
  • Creating ownership of the energy transition
  • Deploying cultural and artistic activities
  • Demonstrating co-benefits for urban quality of place

Within CrAFt’s community, city representatives can freely discuss their challenges and explore potential solutions in circles of trust. By sharing our community’s knowledge and experiences on making the New European Bauhaus concept operational and on safeguarding its implementation in cities’ plans and governance, we want to equip you as local governments better to lead the climate-neutrality transition.

3. Benefits for the participants

Participating in the CrAFt Cities Mutual Learning Sessions will allow participants to:

  • Avoid re-inventing the wheel
  • Learn from their peers
  • Be inspired to adopt good practices in their city
  • Support their cities with ongoing and upcoming policy and decision-making processes
  • Secure more effective formal approval procedures
  • Get access to European networks of collaboration
  • Be informed about funding opportunities.

4. Topics

The CrAFt Cities Sessions will focus on the seven specific stages of development for projects and programmes that are New European Bauhaus-inspired:

  1. Make your vision concrete
  2. Decide and commit to your long-term objectives
  3. Define your action plan
  4. Implement your plan
  5. Check whether you are on track to meet your targets
  6. Adjust your implementation if needed
  7. Preparing for replication and scaling.

5. How?

In these sessions, you will hear directly from front runners’ experiences, learn good practices for addressing specific challenges, and explore proven models for governance and co-creation. Moreover, in small groups, you will reflect on how to adapt those cases and examples to our particular contexts.

The results of these sessions will then be synthesised and consolidated in a customised New European Bauhaus edition of the Climate-neutral and Smart City Guidance Package (summary).

6. Session overview and dates

Session 1: Make your vision concrete | Date: Monday, 30 January 2023

  • How do we see the city we are living in in 20, 30, or 50 years from now?

Session 2: Decide and commit to your long-term objectives | Date: Thursday, 9 February 2023

  • How are we going to meet our long-term objectives by working out our vision in a smart city strategy or policy per objective?

Session 3: Reflection on sessions 1 and 2 | Date: Thursday, 16 February 2023

Session 4: Define your action plan | Date: Tuesday, 21 February 2023

  • What are appropriate action plans or projects for implementing the strategies and policies agreed upon in the previous stage?

Session 5: Implement your plan | Date: Tuesday, 28 February 2023

  • How do we implement the action plans for smart and sustainable cities in order to achieve our targets?

Session 6: Reflection on sessions 4 and 5 | Date: Wednesday, 8 March 2023

Session 7: Check you are on track to meet your targets | Date: Friday, 17 March 2023

  • Are we following the right track to meet the targets agreed upon during the implementation of the project?

Session 8: Adjust your implementation if needed | Date: Thursday, 23 March 2023

  • How do we adjust our action plans and/or projects in order to meet our targets?

Session 9: Reflection on sessions 7 and 8 | Date: Friday, 31 March 2023

Later in 2023, CrAFt will organise a session on stage 7: “Choose organisational and financial models for replication and scaling”

7. Speakers and facilitators

Detailed information about speakers and facilitators will soon be available.

8. Sample agenda for the sessions

13:00 – 13:10 Welcome and introduction to the main speakers

13:10 – 13:20 Brief presentation of the overall methodology, how we developed it (only the first time), and what are the main challenges at each stage of the process

13:20 – 13:30 What is New European Bauhaus? What’s CrAFt? What do we need for actionability? (only the first time) 

13:30 – 14:20 Presentation of 3-4 New European Bauhaus-inspired best practices addressing these challenges, including Q&A

14:20 – 14:30 Bio break

14:30 – 15:15 Open discussion in break-out groups on how the presented examples can be helpful for the cities’ daily work. Needs and experiences so far. What can we learn? What still needs to be addressed?

15:15 – 15:30 Reflection of CrAFt Cities

15:30 -15:40 Summary of primary needs and lessons learnt, wrap-up, homework and next steps

9. How to prepare

As a representative of a CrAFT City, we will ask you to prepare some materials for each session related to the specific topic of that session, using a set of specific questions that we will provide in advance. This preparatory work will help you translate the best practices presented in the sessions to your organisation’s working environment, processes and procedures.

During the session itself, the participants, split into small groups, will then discuss their answers to those questions

After each session, we will assign the participants some tasks and ask them to reflect further on what they have seen and heard during the session. We will also ask them to gather further input for the following reflection session, individually or with their peers.

10. Participants’ commitment

Each Mutual Learning Session has a duration of around 2.5 hours. Therefore, the total time you will need to devote to preparing and attending a session will be between 2 and 4 hours per week. 

11. Registration

Registration for upcoming sessions is closed.

Note that these sessions are exclusively for CrAFt Cities’ representatives. If you are not eligible but still interested, please send us an email at

12. Do you have any further questions?

Please get in touch with us at

About the event

Starting date

January 30, 2023

End date

March 31, 2023

