NEB ambition

The ultimate ambition of the New European Bauhaus is to achieve transformation. To do this, the NEB Compass has identified specific levels of ambition that outline the desired outcomes for each of the NEB values.

Action areas

These areas refer to the five key domains of intervention that CrAFt's New European Bauhaus Impact Model considers essential for guiding and evaluating complex urban initiatives.

Participation level

The participation level refers to the degree or extent to which individuals or groups are actively involved or engaged in a particular activity, project, or process. It assesses the depth of their involvement, contributions, and commitment, ranging from minimal or passive participation to active and dedicated participation.

NEB values

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) aims to promote the values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion in the design and transformation of urban spaces. It emphasises the integration of environmental, social, and economic considerations to create harmonious and innovative living environments.

Implementation Stage

According to the Smart City Guidance Package, there are seven stages to plan and implement smart city projects. These stages propose a logical and coherent roadmap for city initiatives involving many stakeholders.

Core Group of Students

The Core Group is a driving force of student engagement in the CrAFt project, with up to ten international, multidisciplinary students based in Amsterdam, Bologna, Prague and Trondheim. The group is responsible for creating tools and opportunities for exchange and change-making. Across Europe, they connect student communities and CrAFt stakeholders, such as project partners, universities and city representatives.

How it works

The Core Group is responsible for proposing participatory models and engaging other students across 70+ CrAFt cities. They also organise their own interdisciplinary student events. The students meet online on a weekly basis, and occasionally also in person.

The Core Group self-managed, the students organise their work and collaboration processes and are encouraged to experiment with different design and co-creation processes. The group is supported by two coaches from ELIA, the globally connected European network for professional exchange and development in higher arts education.

For more info, take a look at the Core Group FAQs.

The Core Groups

Core Group 1 was formed on January 1, 2023, and consisted of 8 students from universities in Prague, Bologna, Trondheim and Amsterdam. Under the guidance of 2 coaches from the ELIA team, they created the structure and the way the Craft Core group works. However, each group optimises the established ways dynamically in the sense of continuous improvement.

The first Core Group of students organised an interdisciplinary student event called CrAFt Your Urban Experience. It was held on the 9th of May 2023 in Évora, Portugal, at the School of the Arts of the University of Évora. The Core Group of Students also participated in the project’s event CrAFting Cities Together in Bologna. They contributed to brainstorms and interactive exercises in collaboration with project partners and city stakeholders. This group was active until October 2023.

Core Group 2 was operational between October 2023-March 2024. In total 6 new members joined, while 2 students from the first group remained. This second group organised two events: UniCity 2030 in Manchester on 18 October 2023 and (re)growing the City Think/Do Tank in Amsterdam on 29 February 2024. They also participated CrAFt’s event CrAFting Tomorrow’s Cities in Amsterdam. They also launched a Core Group Instagram page.

Core Group 3 has started in March 2024 and is working on many exciting projects, including a toolbox on how to organise think/do tanks, writing student stories for CrAFt’s Storytelling Campaign. You can already read the student stories. Stay tuned for more!

Call for students

The EU-funded project CrAFt – Creating Actionable Futures is looking for new students to join our project for at least 6 months from in September 2024. The deadline for applications is on 8 July 2024.

This unique opportunity is for students who:

  • Desire to take part in their cities’ transformation
  • Are eager to contribute to climate neutrality in urban areas
  • Have an interest in using participatory and artistic methods to drive change
  • Wish to enhance their professional skills
  • Want to be part of a Europe-wide project

There are up to 10 8 spots in the Core Group for students located in Amsterdam, Bologna, Prague and Trondheim.

Find more information and apply to join the Core Group

Apply now to join the CrAFt Student Core Group