NEB ambition

The ultimate ambition of the New European Bauhaus is to achieve transformation. To do this, the NEB Compass has identified specific levels of ambition that outline the desired outcomes for each of the NEB values.

Action areas

These areas refer to the five key domains of intervention that CrAFt's New European Bauhaus Impact Model considers essential for guiding and evaluating complex urban initiatives.

Participation level

The participation level refers to the degree or extent to which individuals or groups are actively involved or engaged in a particular activity, project, or process. It assesses the depth of their involvement, contributions, and commitment, ranging from minimal or passive participation to active and dedicated participation.

NEB values

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) aims to promote the values of sustainability, aesthetics, and inclusion in the design and transformation of urban spaces. It emphasises the integration of environmental, social, and economic considerations to create harmonious and innovative living environments.

Implementation Stage

According to the Smart City Guidance Package, there are seven stages to plan and implement smart city projects. These stages propose a logical and coherent roadmap for city initiatives involving many stakeholders.

CrAFt’s response to the NEB Facility survey

In April 2024, the European Commission launched a survey to collect input for developing the New European Bauhaus Facility within the Horizon Europe Work Programme 2025 framework.

Craft seized this opportunity to address the survey, emphasising the pivotal role of arts and culture alongside participatory governance models in facilitating the green transition.

Some of the key insights provided by CrAFt through our response to the NEB Facility survey include:

  • Emphasis on community engagement and co-creation: We acknowledge the importance of involving communities in the (re-)design and (re-)construction processes of neighbourhoods.

  • Development of participatory governance models: We recognise the need to develop and research participatory governance models and practices.

  • Emphasis on culture and creativity: We highlight the pivotal role of culture, creativity, and cultural diversity in local governance and green transformation processes. This includes the involvement of local cultural and creative ecosystems and the use of collective creativity in pilot projects.

  • Need for upscaling and mutual learning: We need to explicitly address the mechanisms for scaling up successful local solutions and facilitating mutual learning across Europe. This involves leveraging pan-European peer learning, knowledge sharing, and coaching to promote innovation and transformation.

  • The importance of social inclusion: We advocate for including critical voices and creating safe spaces for questioning existing power structures and dynamics within NEB-supported actions.

  • Inclusivity in stakeholder engagement: We advocate for the involvement of diverse stakeholders, including architects, engineers, designers, environmentalists, artists, and end-users, to foster multidisciplinary collaborations in circular/regenerative approaches.

  • Interdisciplinary connections: We highlight the significance of fostering innovative connections between industries and higher education institutions, including technical and arts universities, within the context of NEB dynamics.

  • Feedback from students: We suggest incorporating feedback from students involved in CrAFt, particularly regarding the relevance of outcomes.

  • Expanding business model rethinking: We call for exploring new business models and social innovation across different industries impacted by NEB principles beyond focusing solely on construction.
Read CrAFt’s full response to the NEB Facility survey

About this news

Date of publication

May 6, 2024